Game Mechanics
Game Mechanics
The mechanics of Metabrawl are typical of a fighting game. In the traditional fighting mode, players need to block, move sideways, jump, and attack using punches or kicks. In the platform fighting mode, players must skillfully navigate and jump across the various platforms in the arena. This game mode serves to respond to our target audience with a fighting game featuring classic and recognizable dynamics. In this game mode, you need to defeat the other player to win and for the 'Win' screen to appear. Additionally, Metabrawl features an open-world mode, where players can utilize a variety of combat and exploration mechanics. This was added to offer a new approach to fighting and action games.
The characters are a fundamental part of the project, as they allow the player to visualize themselves within the Metabrawl experience. The characters we will be using are the following, with the option to always add more characters to the inventory, whether from partners or created from scratch for Metabrawl. The initial list of characters is: Wolverinu, Shiba Inu, Volt Inu, Shiba Warrior, PEPE, Bitcoin, Alienform, Klee, PAAL AI.
To implement this feature, the pre-production department needs to create 3D figurines of each character in Maya or Blender. Then, the team will need to export the files to .FBX Unreal Engine 5.2 files and use the Unreal Engine Rigging Tool or use a plugin in the pre-production software.
The environments in Metabrawl are diverse, as the battles occur in different locations within an imaginary universe of Inus called the Inuverse. Here, various stories that exist in the real world about perspectives of the Shiba Inu converge. This is why Metabrawl has three main scenarios: the ancient temple, the magic forest, and the desert temple. This diversity is important to keep the battles fresh and not make the scenery feel repetitive.
For the environments, developers will need to go to a marketplace on a digital publisher for video games and invest in environments, stages, arenas, and props. This process can be done from scratch, but time and team resources are valuable.
User Interface:
The user interface in Metabrawl is simple from the start menu. The menus are divided by transparent square and rectangular shapes that allow the user to select different modes: Brawl Mode, Open World Mode, Settings, and Quit. This is included because the user needs a way to select the mode they want to play in Metabrawl.
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