Player Mechanics

Player Mechanics

The main mechanics that define Metabrawl are its movement and combat style. Additionally, Metabrawl includes a digital wallet function that allows users to collect in-game items and view them on their mobile devices.


In Metabrawl, the movement of combatants is three-dimensional, meaning that players fight in a camera view that watches the players in third person. The combat starts as if it were a classic 2D video game and then, as the players fight, they move three-dimensionally on the map.

The movement in Metabrawl is designed to be played with a PlayStation controller or similar, but can also be played with a keyboard and mouse. The idea is that Metabrawl can be moved with the arrow keys or with the WASD keys, and that the user can move their camera in their environment with the mouse in Open World mode.


Players will use combat techniques that include kicks and punches. The mannequins of the characters are in a combat position and are programmed to attack, defend, and jump to dodge enemy attacks. In battle mode, it is expected that the user will use controls similar to a PlayStation controller, or a keyboard using WASD for movement and IJKL for attacks, with the spacebar for jumping.


Metabrawl has a collectible system that can be taken anywhere with you through your cell phone using Ethereum and blockchain technology via a digital wallet. The idea is that our target users obtain these collectibles, which are cosmetics within the game, and through an Unreal Engine 5 plugin, access a connected wallet that contains their collectible cosmetics. The controls to access this integration would be to find one of the panels within the game and press the E key to interact. The user will receive a pop-up to connect their wallet via QR code or use the one provided by the game.

Audio Feedback:

Metabrawl features audio feedback that responds when the user performs actions such as jumping, kicking, or punching. Each time the user performs one of these actions, the character will emit a hit sound similar to what we know in real life. When the character jumps, it should emit a sound like a rising wind. Metabrawl includes original music produced for the game. As of the creation of the original Metabrawl whitepaper, it includes two original songs and special effects licensed from their creators for distribution.

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